Managing Lists

Managing state lists aka object arrays are a very common occurrence in UI Development. TrebleGSM makes managing lists a breeze.

First install the Treble List Manager module.

npm install treble-list-manager

Import the module into your Store

After the Treble List Manager module is installed and imported into your Store you will have access to a number of Dispatcher methods and Store features that will help you manage lists with ease.

import {TrebleListManager} from 'treble-gsm';

const Store = createStore([],{ modules: [ TrebleListManager ] });

Static Keys

In order for React to manage lists, each list item needs a static key. TrebleGSM assigns static keys to array objects by default. The static key method is called trebleKey. This method is used by Dispatchers to handle different types of CRUD operations. To turn this feature off you can set the state item's feature property keys to false. This is true by default.

features: { keys: false }

API Reference

All Treble List Manager Store methods must target a state item that is an array.


Takes the current state array and appends another state item.

Store.append(action: string, dispatchValue: any);
Store.append('updateTrainerList', { name: 'Gary Oak', personality: 'jerk'});


Takes the current state array and prepends another state item.

Store.prepend(action: string, dispatchValue: any);
Store.prepend('updateTrainerList', { name: 'Brock', personality: 'Creeper'});


The dispatched value is compared to current list items and if a match is found it is removed from the list.

Store.remove(action: string, targetValue: any);
Store.remove('updateTrainerList', { name: 'Brock', personality: 'Creeper'});


Sorts a state item list in ascending or descending order. Targets a specified property to sort by.

Store.orderBy(action: string, targetProperty: string, 'asc' | 'desc');
Store.orderBy('updateTrainerList', 'name', 'asc');

The orderBy is smart enough to sort in numerical order if the sort targets a property with integers.


The removeBatch method is similar to remove but it takes an array of objects that TrebleGSM will find and remove from the list.

Store.removeBatch(action: string, [...targetValues]);
Store.removeBatch('updateTrainerList', [
    { name: 'Gary Oak', personality: 'Jerk'}, 
    { name: 'Brock', personality: 'Creeper'}
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